Sunday, September 6, 2009

The End...

Okay, so I have officially jumped ship. I have converted my blog to wordpress, because I like the efficiency of the site, among other things. I was able to transfer my entire blog history from blogger to wordpress, so no worries it's all still there.

Please update your side-bar, and continue to follow me. I have only a slim few who read this, and I'd like to keep all of you as readers. haha.

Cya on the new site.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Random Kristen thoughts...

More random thoughts...

Today I had to write 18 pages in my micro lab notebook. No my professor isn't cruel...I procrastinate. Lesson learned.

I'm currently laying in bed, eating 100 calorie kettle corn, drinking sugar free lemonaide, and watching PS. I love you.

I'm watching PS I love you, because I'm masochistic. Oh and because I'm in love with Gerald Butler...and because I'm secretly planning a trip to Ireland. (I'm gonna live there.)

A friend told me that I was the most unique person they had ever met...Either that is a nice way of telling me I'm a freak, or that I'm super cool. I'm leaning towards the latter.

I desperately need a pedicure.

I washed my car today for the first time all summer. It was DIRTY.

Sometime this month I'm supposed to have lunch with my dearest friends from high school. They better all be there...yes...this is a threat.

I'm only 10 minutes into the movie, and I can already feel the tears. Oh God why do I do this to myself?

When I die, I'm gonna leave my friends and family notes about how jealous they should be of me, because I'm in paradise...

Paradise for me is...endless Rafferty's salads, chocolate everywhere, a hot man (that resembles Gerald Butler), a beautiful hut over water that looks like the south pacific, then changes to scenery from Ireland, and the Lake District in England, and so on to cover all the beautiful places of the world...I could go on...but you get the point.

Can you tell that I'm bored on a Friday night?

My latest music obsession is Edith Paif...She's a french singer from the 1940's. If you haven't listened to her, youtube it now.

No I don't speak french.

Madison, my 10 lbs fur ball dog, is my constant companion. She actually gets sad when I leave. Wow...that's love.

I recently started feeling giddy, and twitterpated. Thank know who you are.

This probably wasn't interesting...but I never promised it would be. Just a bit of insight into my crazy world.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Christmas colored bacteria...

It's so much more fun when things are colored pretty!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Top 10 from Fall semester 2009...

In an attempt to keep myself awake at work...thought I would entertain the internet with a top 10 list...(I know how we all love anything summarized into a list.)

1. I'm quickly learning to hate plants. When left to my own experimentation, I love having plants in my home...but when forced to learn every sex organ of a tulip, my attention falters.

2. Dr. Tuerk is still hot. And will always be hot. Who cares how old he is.

3. I suck at gram staining. Completely suck.

4. Monday's and Wednesday's are the longest days ever...beginning at 9:10a and going through 6:20p...then usually working 7p-7a. Ugh.

5. Micro is the first medically relevant class I've taken so far. Thank God, something that I can actually apply.

6. I have 2 semesters left until I graduate. Hell is already preparing to freeze over.

7. I had a physician at the hospital introduce me to a new physician, as a future medical student...the first physician is the director of the UK Morehead program...and he remembered me. Oh yeah baby.

8. I have printed off 75 sheets of notes, and we are only 2 weeks in.

9. I miss sleeping. So very much.

10. I look HOT in my micro lab coat. Grrrr.

Fall semester is off to a great start.

Friday, August 14, 2009

John May Hamilton...

Disclaimer: This post discusses, and includes pictures of human remains...If your grossed with it.

There is a girl in our reenactment group who's Great Great Grandfather was killed during the Civil War. He was captured, and refused to renounce the Confederacy, and was killed for his allegiance. This man was a true American hero, he died for something he held very dear to him...his country, and his freedom. He was not willing to give those things up, and this hero choose to bravely face death, and hold fast to his beliefs. It's because of men like this, that we have the freedom we do today.

His family searched for many years for his remains. It was only a few years ago, that he was discovered in Bloomfield, KY, about an hour or so from Lexington. His family enlisted the help of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and the 5th KY to recover his remains, and bring them home to the family cemetery. There were so many people willing to devote an entire weekend in the hot sun digging a grave, and searching for the remains. It was moving to share an experience like this with a group of people, all focused on one purpose...bringing John May Hamilton home. Allow me to pause, and say, "Yes, I Kristen Porter, helped dig up a dead body in a cemetery." And I have pictures to prove it. Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm not a fan of cemeteries, but this story touched me on such a deep level, and I was honored to be apart of it. We were able to recover quite a few bones, and had a memorial service for him the next day. I can't imagine the closure the family was able to experience after searching for someone for 145 years. I have been apart of a few dedications of headstones for Confederate veterans, and each has been special in it's own way. But, actually having a Confederate soldier's remains present at the dedication was spine tingling. Especially the remains from someone so heroic, and brave. How often does a person have the opportunity to bury a Civil War soldier? NEVER. It was an event that I truly will never forget.

Blast from the Past...1860's style...

For those of you that don't know that I have a new hobby, I have become a civil war reenactor. My brother Josh has been involved for a few months, and I have to say that I was intrigued. So, after attending an event, I decided to join. It's so much fun to get dressed up in the dresses, and all the guys treat you like a lady. Who couldn't get used to that? It's also fascinating to learn all the history of the Civil War. Josh did the family research, and discovered that our Great Great Grandfather, Charles Winnifield Porter fought for the 34th Virginia, Company K. I'm reading a book on the history of the war, and must say that they left alot out in AP US History in high school.

Naturally, when clothing and dressing up is involved, Kally came over to inspect, and try the dresses on for herself. I don't have a hoop yet, so it looks kind of funny, but Kally could wear anything and make it look cute! haha. She's gonna kill me for posting this on here...

And a few more favorites from vacation...

Oh how I love to travel...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

2nd Amendment Rights...

Disclaimer: Just a warning that I'm going to step on my soap box for a view minutes, and get a few things off my mind.

I've been hearing recent reports of a bill working it's way through the Senate. To make an incredibly long story short, the US government is trying to implement a registration/license for all gun owners. Basically stating that the government would track all purchases, and therefore know exactly what your "packing." Plus, if you don't register you can face up to 5 years in prison. You can check out the story for yourself...

For the record, I do not own a gun. Nor have I shot a gun anytime in the last 5 years. But reading this prompted me to write, because this is a free country. If this bill was ever passed (and I don't think it will) it would be removing 2nd Amendment rights from the law abiding American public. Placing firearms directly into criminal hands. I encourage everyone to write to their congressmen, and senators regarding this. American citizens have the right to protect themselves and their families.

Okay...stepping down from the soap box now.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Tonight at the gym I hit a huge milestone...I ran...4 miles! I was so pumped that I actually jumped around for a few minutes (I was at the gym alone.) Just thought I'd share this milestone with my internet family! Loves!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Could someone please remove the birds from my hair...

Check out this height...oh yeah baby...rockin it. (Note all the freckles on my face from the beach...the only color that remains a week after returning.)

I literally left the salon looking like this, seriously, where are the hidden cameras?

I'm just as confused as you...

This will be my first album cover, when I become a rock God!

I was in desperate need of a haircut. My usual salon wasn't able to get me in until Tuesday of next week, so I decided to throw caution to the wind and run by a walk in only place. The sweet little lady asked how I usually wore my hair, to which I replied "Usually just natural, and flowy." Apparently, "natural and flowy" to her meant using a pint of gel, and more hairspray than an 80's glam rocker. I couldn't believe my eyes when she wheeled me around, and annouced that she was finished. I guess the most important thing, the cut, is actually cute, and exactly what I wanted. But I couldn't resist taking a few pictures with all the product in my hair. When they start busting out the gel, it's time for me to go. Lesson learned!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Somebody shoot me now, please...

There comes a time in a person's life, when vacationing with family must come to a screeching halt. I have not only reached this point in my life, I surpassed it a few years back. I absolutely love my family, don't get me wrong, they are all amazing...IN SMALL DOSES. (Sorry G-ma.) Let me explain...

A week or so before we were scheduled to leave for Myrtle Beach, my parents decided to bail on my brothers and I. Dad needed to work, and Mom needed to get some things done in peace and quiet. (She was the intelligent one.) So my sweet, slightly insane grandparents decided to call the hotel and rent a larger room so that they could accommodate their 3 grandchildren. At first this seemed to be a good option, because it was...FREE for Josh and I to go. (I stress the word FREE when you are a poor college student.) Anyway-we were saddened by the fact that Ma and Pa wouldn't be coming, but were still excited to spend time away from MoHo.

That was until crap hit the proverbial fan. Almost immediately it became clear that my sanity would only remain if I continuously remain out of the hotel, on the beach, and with my ipod blasting my brain with Taylor Swift. My G-ma (bless her heart) decided to become the "food patrol." Every time I even thought about eating something with more than 100 calories I was given a guilt trip..."Now Kristen, I don't believe that's on your diet." Or "Kristen, I can't believe you ate that GIANT PIECE OF's just not worth it to be skinny." First, if anyone even thinks about coming inbetween Tripp's cheesecake drenched in strawberries and me, you better be prepared to fight. And by fight I mean, tackling, hair pulling, scratching, screaming, yelling, kind of fighting. And secondly, I have lost close to 25 pounds, I deserve my week in the sun...or in the "fat foods" section of the grocery store or restaurant menu. Back off calorie police!

Mom decided to fly down at the beginning of the week. We were all excited that she was coming. As we were waiting for her flight come in, I received a call from my incredibly panic stricken mother. She had missed her flight in Cincinnati. Of course, Cincinnati, that stupid Carson Palmer has cursed the entire city, including the airport, and he is entirely to blame for my mother missing her plane. After spending, I don't know, 6 hours on the phone with Delta, I rescheduled her flight for the next day, and gave Mom a rather long pep-talk about flying alone, and not freaking out.

Anyway-there were enjoyable parts to the week. I will never tire of sitting in the surf, half asleep feeling the warm sun on my body, and the cool ocean on my feet...that is until some idiot throwing a temper tantrum while on a walk with his lady, stomps a bit to hard and splashes cold water all over my face. I wanted to say, "Thanks for interrupting my few precious minutes of quiet sanity." But I refrained. I also really enjoy sitting on the balcony listening to the ocean waves...until my G-pa decided to walk out and hocker a giant mucus ball into a handkerchief, completely removing any zen-like vibes I was feeling from the waves. (I can still hear it!) I also enjoyed the USS North Carolina (my second trip to the beauty), and thinking ahead, I remembered how hot it can get below decks, so I decided to wear a cute little sundress...until I started down the first flight of incredibly steep metal steps, my Sony Alpha 300 dangling from one hand, did the breeze catch my "cute little dress" just right, and I ended up flashing all the nice adorable families, including children, veterans, and masses of conservative people my green striped underwear. Yes...shoot me now, please.

Next year I will have my own room...possibly in another hotel. I need a vacation to recover from my vacation. UGH! Pictures to follow.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


A good friend (Jennilyn) pointed out that some things never change. SO VERY TRUE. Like I told her, Kally and I will be in the nursing home conducting photo shoots from our wheelchairs. I'm shooting for Miss Geriatric ANTM 2060! Life is so much fun with crazy friends! Love ya Kal!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Malkin and Yinzerfication...

Loved this story! A russian hockey player who loves Pittsburgh? Sounds like my kind of guy!
Malkin and family begin their Yinzerfication - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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Sunday, June 7, 2009


This afternoon, in an attempt to keep up my healthy new eating habits, I decided to run by Subway. Subway is attached to a BP close to my house, so I can be there and back in 10 minutes. (A definite plus.) I walked into the store feeling rather dazed from working all night, and only getting a few hours of sleep. As I'm waiting for the "Sandwich Artist" to acknowledge my presence a woman in front of me turns around and noticeably stares at me. There I am in mismatched shorts and t-shirt, flip-flops from 5 years ago, hair in a knot, and sans makeup. I'm looking rough, and wondering to myself if this lady really wanted to push me over the edge? I'm tired from lack of sleep, craving a doublecheese burger, fries, and a REAL pop, and seriously considering downing the entire box of twinkies that are resting peacefully on the shelf to my right, I'm exuding the DON'T MESS WITH THIS vibe that I've learned from watching countless hours of BET. But alas, the staring continued, and then she began stomping her foot on the ground, like a bull getting ready to charge. Either this woman was psychotic, or was another of the masses who were offended by my "gothic" black nail polish. (Darn, why did I leave my trench at home again.) I thanked God that I didn't work there when she ordered half the store, then literally almost sang the types of veggies she wanted. I concealed my laughter with a few well timed coughs, and practically ran out of the store before I heard another foot stomp. I hope that this woman seeks the medical attention that is most definitely for me, I enjoyed my low-cal dinner, and am happily on my way to diet utopia.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


My youngest brother Ryan (11 years old) has always loved history, especially WW2. My family jokes that he's a young historian, and is almost daily found watching the History Channel, or pouring over a WW2 book. I called him this evening to remind him that today was the 65 anniversary of D-Day, and as soon as I finished telling him he said, "Duh, Kristen...June 6, 1944. It's been all over the news today." I wasn't surprised that he already knew this, but I had to laugh at his response.

I've been reading a lot of the personal accounts that are spread throughout the media today. The stories are so touching, that despite sitting in the middle of a noisy ER, I was moved to tears. I'm so thankful that we had such brave young men fighting for our country during this time. I can't imagine the horrors that still haunt them. I have the same respect for those currently serving in our military. We would not be a free nation without them.

Lazy summer days...

I have seriously neglected my blogging, and I must admit that I don't have a good reason for my absence. I even have pictures to post, but have been to lazy to download them from my camera. :)

I will soon be back to the blogging world. Hopefully in the morning I will upload my pictures from the last few weeks. I know everyone is anxiously awaiting the new posts. HAHA.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Life can be so unfair...

While I'm stuck in the library studying for finals, my parents are here...

Must be nice.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Properly nerdy.

Ever wondered what hair color you have? Despite the fact that I was born with red hair, and retained that color for much of my younger life, I am pleased to inform you that I don't have any mutations on my MC1R gene. (Mutations indicate red hair.) We know that I have a mutation, it's just not present in the gene we sequenced. Darn...I was curious.

Heinz Heaven.

I was working last night, when I got a random call from my father. In a rushed, yet quiet voice he asked if I had a few minutes. Out of curiosity, I told him I had the time, and waited not so patiently for him to respond. "Well...what would you say if we could get season tickets to some of the Steeler games?" Anyone who knows me knows my immediate response. (Jumping, smiling, laughing, practically crying while in the middle of a busy ER.) Needless to say, my father, brother, and I are the proud new owners of 2 tickets to 5 regular season games, and 1 pre-season game, on the 5-yard line. I'm beginning to feel that my chances of meeting Ben Roethelisberger are greatly increasing. GO STEELERS!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wind in my hair...

Who say's you can't have fun by yourself?


So, maybe it's my rocker side (Thanks, Dad) but I think Adam Lambert is HOT HOT HOT!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Hike at Cave Run

WHen I came home from spending a week in Pittsburgh, I just wanted to be outside. It happened to be a beautiful day, so I took a hike on a trail close to the spillway. The warm weather made me really look forward to spring!

Playground...some of my favorite pictures..

This is a playground I LOVED to visit as a child. I remember begging anyone in my family to take me to the park on a sunny day. (Especally on Sunday afternoons.) It's in a sad state now, and I don't think that anyone has played on it for some time. These are some of my favorite pictures that I've taken. I feel like this is the first time I've really gotten creative with any shots. Looking at these brings back so much of my childhood!

Pittsburgh at night...

I didn't have a tripod, so some of the pictures are a little blurry. Next time I will take my tripod. :)

Pittsburgh by day...

Some pictures of the city during the day.

Maddie the snow bunny...

These were taken awhile ago, during our last snow of the season. I didn't realize how behind on posting I was. Madison loves the snow, and I thought these were cute, and really showed her personality. haha.

Bethany the Baller

Everyone in my family is tall. Unfortunatly for me, I did not inherit the height gene. My 5'4 size has been laughed at for some time, and it's always a milestone when on of my cousins passes me. When I went to Pittsburgh for spring break, I didn't realize that my 10 year old cousin had already passed me up. The only one that remains shorter is Gabe, who is 5. I'm sure it's only a matter of time. We watched Bethany play basketball, and I must say that all that height gives her awesome rebounding skills. It was so much fun spending time with her and Gabe.