Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sleep. A precious thing.

I know it seems absurd to dedicate an entire post to sleeping, but it seems that I don't get enough of it anymore, and I'm starting to miss it. Long hours at work, paired with the hours spent late into the night studying have caused a serious lack of Zzzz's. Sometimes I wonder whether I need as much as my body tells me that I need. But then I realized that if I require 8 hours, why fight it? Snuggling up in my warm flannel sheets, with my favorite blue pillow (shown in this picture), sounds extremly inviting on these cold winter days. I find that my dreams are always strange. And sometimes I wake up wondering if my dream really happened. Hopefully with finals approaching and Christmas break near, I will be able to catch up on some snooze time soon. But, then again I might be out walking in the snow with my dream guy. After all, if I'm going to stay better be as good as my dreams!


Kris and Kally said...

hmmm....just a few questions for you regarding this post. Who is your dream guy? How often do you play in the snow? And do you ever makeout?

Unknown said...

plus also, I hope you don't always look so gorgeous when you sleep! Because..... I sure don't.