Sunday, March 23, 2008

Egyptian men are the hottest...

A long standing Easter tradition in the Porter house is the yearly viewing of Cecile B. Demille's The Ten Commandments. For the record, I have always loved the story of Moses. He had such an amazing faith in God! BUT-this post is to admit that I have been harboring a crush, not on Moses, but on Ramses...aka Yul Brenner. Something about those eyes...and that bald head. GRRR! Definitely makes me want to be an Egyptian. As a young child, I had a huge interest in the culture of Ancient Egypt. We had a Discovery Kid's magazine at school about the Pharaoh's and Egypt, and I would take tracing paper, and trace the hieroglyphics. Pretending that I could write Egyptian. Flash forward to today- I will watch anything about ancient Egypt that comes on tv. And have read quite a bit about about the culture, and beliefs. I guess it will always be an interest, and hopefully someday I can travel to Egypt and see all of it for myself! But, I gonna guess that there won't be anyone in Egypt quite as hot as the "orginal" Ramses Yul!


Anonymous said...

i've got it! i think the reason you might be attracted to yul brenner as rameses is revealed in a later post when you mention thinking its hot when some guys wear eye liner. egyptians...eye liner...yul brenner, it all makes sense!

Kris10 said...

You totally crack me up! I guess that's probably true. Yul just has that look...Anyone with that kind of look could just melt me. I would be speechless!