I want a dog. I want a
labradoodle. The problem is...I don't have a lot of free time. With full time school, work, and coaching...I just don't know if I can commit to the
responsibility. Sure I could take a dog with me to the soccer fields, but I don't think MSU would like it if I brought my dog to school. I'm going to wait and see if I can find an apt close to campus, so I could frequently run home and spend time with Nicodemus. Yep...I've named a dog I don't have...Nicodemus is the perfect name for my future labradoodle. Maybe someday soon...
he's sooooooo cute! (if that's a pic of him, and not just any random dog) i like his floppy ears :)
In the meantime, while you await your perfect doodle dog...stop by my excellently addicting doodle website: www.DoodleKisses.com
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