Sunday, August 17, 2008

Teagan virtual child.

Okay, so I'm taking a developmental psychology class, to fulfill one of the few gen ed requirements left for my undergrad degree. Classes begin tomorrow, so I thought I would get a jump on the setting up the various accounts my teacher requires for the online class. Well, to my great surprise, I am required to raise a virtual child. Yep, I'm a Mommy. My new son was born today, and is now 8 months old...I know I'm a super Mom-You don't have to tell me. He's not very cute, actually he's quite ugly. BUT...I still love the little booger. I'm sure my time with Teagan Andrew will be so much fun, and I will learn so very much about child rearing. (Hopefully you can sense my saracasm!) Until then I must run...I think I hear Teagan crying...


The Reynolds Family said...

It's okay to let him cry a little--it builds character:)

Unknown said...

they grow up so fast :) I like his name a lot too.