Friday, August 14, 2009

Blast from the Past...1860's style...

For those of you that don't know that I have a new hobby, I have become a civil war reenactor. My brother Josh has been involved for a few months, and I have to say that I was intrigued. So, after attending an event, I decided to join. It's so much fun to get dressed up in the dresses, and all the guys treat you like a lady. Who couldn't get used to that? It's also fascinating to learn all the history of the Civil War. Josh did the family research, and discovered that our Great Great Grandfather, Charles Winnifield Porter fought for the 34th Virginia, Company K. I'm reading a book on the history of the war, and must say that they left alot out in AP US History in high school.

Naturally, when clothing and dressing up is involved, Kally came over to inspect, and try the dresses on for herself. I don't have a hoop yet, so it looks kind of funny, but Kally could wear anything and make it look cute! haha. She's gonna kill me for posting this on here...


iStyle Magazine said...

Hello! how are you?
warm greeting from Bali 0_0

Kris and Kally said...

yep...and bury your remains in the woods...

I do know where you live! lol!

Next time I am taking pictures of you in those crazy get-ups! :-)