Sunday, November 11, 2007

Obsession? No way.

I've had quite a few people tell me that I have an obsession with the Pittsburgh Steelers. Depending on my mood I will simply agree, laugh and tell them that I inherited it from my insane family, or point to each arm and tell which bleeds black and which bleeds gold. I can't really explain the phenomena that has taken over most of my free time on Sunday afternoons. Growing up in an area where it's common to know more about the condition of the QB's health than your own, affects you on a deep level. Not to mention my father's delusion that I was a boy for the first 6 years of my life. Then Josh came along...THANK GOD! There are several photos of me in little boy Steeler clothes, but my mom saved me in most by fixing my hair in pigtails. The only way it can be explained, is that it's more like a BIG family. Even living 5 hours from God's Country, PA when you run into a fellow fan it's like being magically transported back to the Burgh. The dialect comes out, "Yunz guys see that play last week during the Stiller game?" And you find yourself rattling off stats to a complete stranger. I've also discovered a certain level of confidence when talking about my boys. For example, my main boss at work grew up in Cleveland. In the first few minutes after meeting her, I was telling her I had some Brown's toilet paper out in my car, just in case all that frustration from cheering for a pathetic team caught up with her and she needed a good cry. Luckily for me, she didn't realize I was being serious. I know I'll always be a Steeler fan. Even if they never win a game. Just don't be surprised when I jump up and start screaming at the television. Or ask to sit in the same seat I was in during the first half, because the team was playing better then. It's an act of faith for a good fan. Oh yeah, and all Burgher's know fans never wear sleeves under their jersey. Other than that come on over and enjoy the game!


Kris and Kally said...

You're nuts. You and all the rest of those pyscho Steeler fans. heheh!

Unknown said...

I am so excited to see you are on blogger now too!!! you kentucky gals is craaaaaaazy!